Monday, March 18, 2013

New Albanian Hoptimus

New Albanian Brewing Co.   New Albany, IN

Imperial IPA
22oz Bottle
9.0% ABV

Appearance:  Pours a light caramel and orange hue…hazy and not overly transparent…just off white head does form and remains, but occasionally does need to be livened up…(3.75/5)

Smell:  Hmmm…very yeast musty (!!!!), earthy, damp forest smell…I’m not getting too much of the classic double IPA aroma that I’m used to or any sweet caramel malts that the color would suggest…this thing smells like that old, crusty, once beer soaked towel you found underneath the bed in the corner of your dorm room (you know what I’m talking about)…I’m hoping it’s not old and moldy, but it smells funky, way beyond anything I’ve seen yeast do…there’s an element of cheese that tastes like foot in here…I’m not sure what’s going on, but there’s no sign of the zesty hops that I was hoping for…(1/5)

Taste:  Much like the nose, funky, old caramel malts and little hops zest…this thing is musty, musty, musty…there’s some grassiness and musty bitterness in there…it’s a straight forward, earthy/musty flavor that lacks depth and decency…it’s good enough to continue to drink, but borderlines pour out and start over…I wish I could describe it more, but this thing is beyond me…(2/5)

Mouthfeel: Light body with medium carbonation…it does fluff up a bit bringing earthy/musty bitterness to the palate...musty and mildly grassy bitterness in the after taste…(3/5)

Overall:  This is a major disappointment…I spent $8.99 for a bomber as I was passing through New Albanian’s distribution area and this is a total bust…I’m not sure if it’s old (there is no born on date) or what the story is, but there’s no way I can recommend this brew to anyone…I’ve had old IPA’s and IIPA’s in the past and they’ve all had better, fresher, more complex flavor than what I’m getting right now…New Albanian is a new brewery for me and I hope this isn’t indicative of what they are producing over there…barely drinkable (mainly because I spent $8.99 for it), this is a pass every time and probably twice on Sunday…(1/5)


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