Thursday, January 24, 2013

Coopers Vintage Ale

 Coopers Brewery   Adelaide, Australia

English Strong Ale
12.7oz Bottle
7.5% ABV

I picked this brew up at a local Binny’s when I saw it on the mix-a-six rack…I look at those racks every time I go into a beer store as it’s my way of tasting things that I ordinarily wouldn’t buy a six pack of…anyway, this was on there, I’d never seen it before and it was a “vintage ale”…while the label doesn’t state which year it was made, the bottle has best after “07/06/07” stamped on it, which I honestly didn’t see before I bought it…best after 2007 (!?!?!), this brew is old and I’m not sure how it could have been at Binny’s all that time…the bottle indicates that it can be cellared, so maybe it’s still good…

Appearance:  Pours a dark caramel brown with hints of candy ruby red…little head formed upon pouring, but swirling it around livened this brew right up with tons of little bubbles along the edge…after about 20 minutes, it has an undeniable flatness to it…(2/5)

Smell:  Tons of sweet cherry/dark cherry/strawberry candy smell…hints of sugar, alcohol heat, caramel and fig…smells like a Christmas/winter warmer seasonal…(3.25/5)

Taste:  Sweet candy malts, this brew has turned into a traditional Christmas brew…there’s some warmth in my belly, which could be the spices, alcohol or a combo of both…I’m getting mostly candy/caramel malts and little else…it’s not bad, but the time in the bottle has dwindled all other flavor ingredients to non-existant…fairly one dimensional at this point…it tastes like a watered down liqueur drink…(2.5/5)

Mouthfeel:  Light to medium body, very wet, it’s loss of carbonation makes it feel like flat beer…with that said, I can make it fluff up for a moment, so there’s still a little life in there…but overall, it’s flat candy sweetness all over the palate…(2/5)

Overall:  This brew has flattened with its time in the bottle…the flavor has diminished (I’ll have to assume) dramatically, leaving only a caramel, sweet cherry candy taste…what is left isn’t all that bad, but it’s not choice…if it were the only beer I had left in the fridge, I’d probably keep drinking it, but as there are many other available brews for my enjoyment, I’ll probably just dump this one and start anew…I’d take a flier on Coopers Vintage Ale if I found a fresher, much fresher version because this strong ale style is typically pretty good, but this possibly 7 year old brew’s better days are behind it…(2/5)


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