Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sierra Nevada Beer Camp #45

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.  Chico, CA
Oatmeal Stout
12oz Bottle
9% ABV

Appearance:  Fantastic!  Playstation controller black with awesome, creamy khaki colored head…the pour will definitely determine how long head lingers, but watch out those with mustaches…(5/5)

Smell:  Great oatmeal smell…not overly aromic after first pour…very creamy, light...a few minutes though, and there’s substantial mocha and malt essence…great smell, very inviting…(4/5)

Taste:  Wow!  It’s a bit alcoholy, but other than that, the flavor is superb…robust roasted malt, mocha, coffee, bitter hops and just the right amount of creamy flavor…one drink lasts a couple minutes…(4.5/5)

Mouthfeel:  It’s alcoholy…fluffs up in the mouth causing a flavor explosion…my tongue and mouth feel coated with goodness, my saliva glands are rejoicing…everybody’s ready for the next sip…(4/5)

Overall:  This is one of the best “new” beers I’ve tried in a long time…I’ve had many a stout and this one stands particularly out…the flavor is great, it lasts long and in the end, I like beer with a bit higher alcohol content…this beer has lasted 30 minute, I’m but half way done and it’s flavor is only getting better…I will be back to the beer store tomorrow to buy more and store away for another day…(4.5/5)


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