Sunday, April 21, 2013

Greenbush Dunegras

Greenbush Brewing Co.   Sawyer, MI

American IPA
12oz Bottle
6.7% ABV

Appearance:  Pours a caramel orange color…somewhat dense, I can see a few bubbles in the middle…head is light khaki and maintains a finger width thick…a nice lively looking brew with some great head…(4/5)

Smell:  Yum! Fresh and lively aroma…tons of piney, tropical, citrus hops exploding out of the glass…orange, mandarin, pineapple, mango, lemon, grapefruit and a distinct pine bite…very inviting and mouthwatering…malts play a background role here, but there is some pale, caramel and toffee notes…very hops driven, this thing smells fantastic! (4.25/5)

Taste:  Yum! Way more caramel malt flavor than the nose would indicate…this brew is wonderfully flavored with zesty piney, citrus and tropical hops varieties that bring orange, pineapple, mango, grapefruit, lemon bitterness and a piney resinous bite to my palate…there is that noticeable sweet caramel malt presence that does just enough to keep the flavor balanced as best as it could be…this is very hoppy, very fresh and very tasty…one sip lasts a few minutes…(4.25/5)

Mouthfeel:  Medium body with medium to tons of carbonation…this thing fluffs up nicely bringing muted earthy/piney bitterness to the palate…it really hits all parts of my tongue and that noticeable bite really rounds out the overall flavor nicely…lingering piney bitterness in the after taste…(4.25/5)

Overall:  This is a fantastic brew…the flavor is wonderful and there’s a real drinkability here that would put a sixer in danger, each sip leaves me wanting more…Greenbush is becoming one of my favorite “Chicagoland” (I use that loosely because it’s about 1.5 hours from Chicago) breweries with each outstanding beer I try from them…Dunegras is a fantastic ale that is a bit high on the ABV scale for an all day sipper, but if you are looking for a brew to help watch the game or sustain laughs during the neighborhood poker run, than this is the beer for you…easily recommendable, if you see this in your local beer store or are in Western Michigan, pick up a sixer and enjoy…(4.25/5)


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