Friday, May 10, 2013

Long Trail Triple Bag

Long Trail Brewing Co.   Bridgewaters Corners, VT 

12oz Bottle
9.2% ABV

Appearance:  Pours a deep mahogany…head is very thin, basically only covering the surface and disappears rather quickly…a nice color, but it lacks any real frothiness…(2.5/5)

Smell:  Sweet dark fruit (fig, raisin) and cherry/strawberry candy up front…very malt heavy…light brown sugar tones in there as well…it’s a sweet, candied aroma, like a winter warmer minus the spicy heat…hops are not overly apparent, this is a sweet, brown malt brew…(3.5/5)

Taste:  Very much like the nose, a brown malt flavor backed with tons of candied strawberry/cherry sweetness…it’s got a sharp flavor, again like a winter warmer, but definitely lacks the spices…what hops flavor I do perceive is a light citrus, orange mostly and a touch of earthy/pine…this thing is very malt heavy and super sweet…tons of dark fruit presence as well…just a mild touch of alcohol heat hitting the outside of my tongue giving a glimpse of it’s higher ABV…a flavorful brew…(3.69/5)

Mouthfeel:  Medium body with light to medium carbonation…it fluffs up bringing more candied malt flavor and a light citrus freshness…there’s little bitterness to speak of…the after taste is full of sweetness and malt, with each sip lasting a couple  minutes…(3.75/5)

Overall:  This is a solid brew…the flavor is powerful and fairly one dimensional, but what it does bring to the palate is absolutely drinkable…it’s reminiscent of say, Third Coast Old Ale or a Goose Island Christmas Ale (minus the spices)…the noticeable higher ABV would make this tough to drink more than a couple of in a sitting, but with all this sweetness, I’d probably need to change things up regardless…I love strong, flavorful brews and this one fits that bill…while it does lack a little depth, it’s easy to recommend…this brew is perfect for a chill at home, watching playoff hockey kinda night...Go Wings Go! (3.5/5)


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