Shipyard Brewing Co. Portland, ME
English IPA
12oz Bottle
6.9% ABV
Pours a darker caramel orange copperish color…a nice rich color, I can
see some bubbles in the middle…head is a light khaki, creamy and thin, but
Smell: English
yeast galore with this one…piney, woodsy and citrus hops, particularly pink
grapefruit, hit my nose next…overall though, this has a heavy aroma, full of
that musty yeast smell…there’s almost like a taffy candy aroma without the
sweetness (if that makes sense)…mild caramel, earthy malts round things out a
bit…as it warms, a piney bite becomes more apparent…(3.75/5)
Taste: English
yeast and piney hops bitterness hit the tongue right away and lasts through the
after taste…there’s a noticeable pink grapefruit flavor and bitterness that
sneaks up about half way through the taste and also extends into the after
taste…this brew is very musty, earthy, mildly piney with a caramel and citrus
lightness that keeps it from going too the extreme…though it’s borderline…(3.5/5)
Light to medium body…kinda light on the carbonation as well…it doesn’t
really fluff up much on my palate, though I do get some mild woodsy/light
lemony residual bitterness…it’s got a heavy feel for having a light body, with woodsy
bitterness, musty yeast and earthy malt resting all over my palate...(3.25/5)
Overall: This
is good, not great…the flavor, while at first I didn’t particularly like, has
grown on me…could it be the 6.9% ABV? Maybe…classic English style IPA’s aren’t
usually my bag, but this one has a pink grapefruit thing happening that I’m
really digging…it gives it some zest…it’s easy to recommend, though it may not
be my favorite...I could easily drink a few of these in one sitting, laughing,
talking over old trail stories…(3.5/5)
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