Saturday, April 6, 2013

In the Name of Suffering

Three Floyds Brewing Co.   Munster, IN

Black India Pale Ale
22oz Bottle
7.1% ABV

Appearance:  Pours a dense, dark brownish mahogany…fluffy and thick, head is about a finger width and only thins slightly… really nice! (4.5/5)

Smell:  Citrus hops up front, hints of orange, lemon, mango…malts are mild but present…I’m smelling light roasted malt and the slightest bit of chocolate…also, just some basic brown malt aroma in there…a splash of rye maybe…smells good, but I wouldn’t call it aromatic…it’s light, crisp and fresh…has the classic Three Floyds hops profile…(4/5)

Taste:  Yum! First I get a rich, creamy citrus hops flavor, very full and fresh…it just pops right out…but then smooth, subtle malts come in, bringing nutty, roasted, very light chocolate flavors…very light chocolate, but it’s there…superbly well balanced…earthy/slightly piney bitterness does come out towards the end…the more I drink, the more I get a rye bite (which I love)…it’s not overly complex on the palate, just super flavorful…again, Yum! (4.25/5)

Mouthfeel:  Light to medium body…light to medium on the carbonation…not too much to it, comes in fresh and light and leaves rather smoothly…slight earthy/lemony/piney bitterness in the after taste, but it doesn’t dominant the palate…the more I drink, the more I feel a piney tingle on the edges of my tongue…(3.75/5)

Overall:  This is another fantastic brew from 3 Floyds…black IPA’s aren’t typically my favorite, usually I find them to be over malted with muted hops flavor, but that’s not the case here…this thing has the classic 3 Floyds hops flavor shining through, but it’s well complimented by brown malts that don’t want to do anything but assist…this beer drinks fantastically, finishing it won’t be hard…for me, paying $10 for a bomber is somewhat ridiculous, but as the old adage goes, “you get what you pay for”…if money was no object, I could easily drink $30 worth of this in one sitting…I’d also have a fantastic buzz…easily recommendable, pick this up while it lasts…(4.5/5)


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