Thursday, June 6, 2013

Three Floyds Moloko

Three Floyds Brewing Co.   Munster, IN

Milk Stout
22oz Bottle
8.0% ABV

Appearance:  Pours a very dark brown to black, brown on the edges…dark and dense…head is a light mocha with tiny bubbles thinning quickly…only a dusting really remains when beer is idle…(3.25/5)

Smell:  Lots going on here…roasted malts, roasted coffee bitterness, alcohol heat and a mild milk chocolate hit my nose first...there’s a muted fig fruit sweetness that I pick up as well…it’s more earthy than a sweet, chocolaty dessert, but that’s not to say it doesn’t have a little of that candy quality…it almost has a root beer aroma as well, I must be picking up some caramel…(4/5)

Taste:  Yum! Roasted malts, roasted coffee (though not overly bitter), lactose, chocolate up front…very tasty…it’s creamy without being milky…it’s not really a complex flavor, this brew relies more on the roasted malt character than any milk, coffee or chocolate flavoring…there is definitely a dark fruit sweetness that comes in late in the sip and rounds out the overall flavor…even though this beer is almost a year old, I’m still getting that robust coffee bitterness finish (yum!)…it’s rich, smooth and sweet…superb! (4.25/5)

Mouthfeel:  Light to medium body…it’s also a bit light on the carbonation as well…it does fluff up a little, bringing all those roasted, chocolate flavors to the palate, but definitely dies down quicker than I would like…roasted malts, lactose and a bit of chocolate lingers in the after taste…one sip lasts for a couple minutes…(3.75/5)

Overall:  This is a yummy brew…I bought it a few months back and even then it was a few months old… I wasn’t sure what to expect pulling this out of the closet, but what I got was very good (no surprise, it is a three floyds)…it’s an easy drinking stout that is a bit light for the class, but brings tremendous flavor that makes up for any mouthfeel flaws…I’ve heard this was one of 3 Floyds more popular seasonals and it’s understandable why…if you see this one floating around your local beer store, it’s definitely worth picking up…stashing a second in the closet for a later date, is also recommended…(4/5)


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