Monday, March 4, 2013

Dark Horse Crooked Tree I.P.A.

Dark Horse Brewing Co.   Marshall, MI

American I.P.A.
12oz Bottle
6.5% ABV

Appearance:  Pours a golden/orange with some caramel hues…a nice finger width of off white head formed and remained…fairly dense and not overly transparent, I can see some bubble action and a few pieces of sediment floating about…(3.75/5)

Smell:  Spicy, earthy, musty hops combined with mild citrus hops notes…very robust hops aroma…mango, bready malts, caramel, sweet yellow cake, grapefruit round out things…there’s an overly light and zestiness here…(4/5)

Taste:  Much like the nose…earthy, musty hops mixed with mild lemon/grapefruit/orange citrus hops…much more earthy than citrus, but the citrus flavor definitely rounds out the edges a bit and provides a crispness that wouldn’t otherwise be there…there’s a bit of rye spice to it as well…fairly straight forward, hops dominant with a touch of caramel and maybe rye malts…as it warms, the lightness from the grapefruit flavor, mango and a bit more spiciness become apparent…it takes you on a small journey…(4/5)

Mouthfeel:  Medium body with tons of carbonation…fluffs up presenting tons of hops citrus and bitterness…really leaves an earthy feel all over my palate…wet and crisp, there’s a dryness in the finish that I like…earthy hops bitterness settles in the after taste…standard I would say for an IPA…(3.75/5)

Overall:  This brew didn’t “wow” me, but it is good and very drinkable…the flavor is full, somewhat robust and is easily something I could drink a couple of in one sitting…a great beer to have around the house for after work, not overly complex but hardy and tough enough to smooth out the edges of the day…a simple review for a simply good brew…(3.75/5)


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