Sunday, January 6, 2013

Joseph James Hop Box

 Joseph James Brewing Co.   Henderson, NV

Imperial IPA
12oz Can
9.3% ABV
90 IBUs

This Imperial IPA has a large Hop Aroma and sweetness from dark caramel malts. This brew uses Simcoe and Cascade hops and is hopped at 5lbs per barrel.

Appearance:  Pours a bright deep orange…tons of bubbles making it look cloudy initially, but I expect that to calm down and make this beer much more transparent…tons of off white head formed upon pouring and is slowing receding…(4/5)

Smell:  Tons of hop aroma during the pour, deep earthy, piney hops…after things settle a bit, there’s that initial deep earthiness still very much in the forefront…citrus hops and earthy/caramel malts a sweet damp forest…faint pineapple back there…way more malty than I would have expected, this thing is full of sweetness and caramel…there’s a light robustness about this…(3.85/5)

Taste:  Lots going on here…sweet malt beginning, followed by caramel malts…very malty for a “hop box”…strong, robust earthy and piney hops highlighted by citrus hops come through in the middle phase, but the sweet caramel malt flavor never really leaves…hop bitterness shows late in middle phase and lasts through out after taste…it’s got a good, solid, robust flavor that attacks my tongue…(3.49/5)

Mouthfeel:  Medium body, medium to lots of carbonation…fluffs up a ton bringing out sweet caramel malt taste…earthy bitterness (not citrusy or flowery, very earthy) left way back on the tongue in the finish…chewy, wet, flavorful…(4/5)

Overall:  A very good beer…I’m not sure how many of these I could drink in one session, the higher ABV would definitely knock me off my ass after about 2…a very drinkable beer though, solid hop flavor and definitely lives up to the “hop box” label…it’s surprisingly well balanced by strong sweet caramel malt flavor and actually hides it’s ABV pretty well…this would be a great beer paired with a board game where there’s some strategy but is ultimately more luck based, something like Settlers of Catan…I wouldn’t want to have to put a puzzle together right now, but I could figure out how to defeat you with all my rock and lumber…(3.75/5)


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