Saturday, January 5, 2013

Central Waters Satin Solstice

 Central Waters Brewing Co.   Amherst, WI

Imperial Stout
12oz Bottle
7.5% ABV
Brewed year round

Off the bottle:

This smooth, creamy stout and a crackling fireplace are the perfect answer to a wintery evening in Wisconsin.

Appearance:  Pours a deep, dark brown almost black color…some thin, mocha colored head did form, but doesn’t seem to want to stick around long…looks a little thin and watery in the corners, though there is some stickiness along the glass…(3.25/5)

Smell:  Deep, dark roasted malt, chocolate, caramel, vanilla, & oatmeal…mild lactose cream smell, but certainly not a milk stout…some dark fruits (raisin and fig) and molasses notes subtly in the background…there’s an astringent, soapy smell (which actually might be the alcohol) that is kinda sharp and a bit off-putting…the more it warms, the more the alcohol heat becomes apparent and actually becomes the more dominant aroma…(3.25/5)

Taste:  Rich roasted, chocolate malt upfront…a touch creamy, but again not milk stout like…definitely more smoky than the nose would have indicated…deep roasted coffee notes come out in the middle phase and does last a bit through the after taste…some dark fruit flavor in there as well…I’m getting the faintest earthy/piney hops hint…not overly complex flavor…(3.75/5)

Mouthfeel:  Light to medium body, pretty thin for an imperial stout…very light carbonation, also thin for the class…thin and watery…(2.75/5)

Overall:  It’s got alright flavor, but it’s way too thin for me to rate this higher than okay to good…there is no sign of the 7.5% ABV, which is nice…Satin Solstice would go well with a hearty meal, but I wouldn’t call this a session beer…one is good, but that’s all I’d do, not because it’s bad, but because it’s not overwhelming and I just as easily find an IPA or something that I liked just as much…anyway, it’s good enough to recommend it for experimentation if you find this on a mix-a-six rack…but don’t expect to be wowed…(3.25/5)


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